mobile computer repairs,onsite computer repairs,custom computers,consulting,networking,adelaide,computers,computer software,computer maintenance,computer repair A different perspective

      A philosophical point of view.

Question:      Why did the chicken cross the road.
Answer:        Is the chicken actually crossing the road
               is the road moving beneath the chicken?

Albert Einstein

Albert had a very good handle on life. He was one of the few
who really understood perspective and the individuals point of view.

The same can be said for IT (Information Technology).
The decisions made are usually based on a certain point of view.
There are always choices, some right and some not so right.
MCRS can help with your IT needs and give recommendations based on the
information and perspective available.

Remember that the final decision is YOURS,
Sit back and try to see things from multiple perspectives.
An informed decision is usually a good one.

..................................... And The Penguin

Local System time is: Friday, 07-Mar-2025 12:41:16 ACDT
Created: Saturday, 21-Jun-2003
This Page Last Modified: Sunday, 12-Apr-2020 14:32:54 ACST